Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Martial Arts - Is it an Art, a Sport or a Science?

Martial Arts today has evolved into a vast industry.   What are you looking for when you search Martial arts?   Are you looking for tradition?  Could it be you like the competitiveness the industry brings thru MMA?  Do you seek the application and the science behind it all?  Maybe a combination?  Can you train effectively when you seek all three?
I would like to touch on all three topics-Art, Sport and Science.  Theses areas of the martial arts can be very controversial and each area certainly can deem it's own conversation.  My goal is simple.  I just want to educate people of their options.  I am going to specifically focus on karate during this blog. 

The Art of a karate allows for someone to learn from tradition.  When you train in a traditional karate setting you may expect to follow a certain set of rules, requirements and guidelines.   You will be taught the respect and discipline that has been implemented in dojo's for hundreds of years.
The art of karate is about proper form, good technique by way of punches,  strikes,  blocks and kicks just to name a few.  Having a strong focus on stances and holding strength to Center.

Then you have karate the sport.   What exactly does that mean?   Sport karate is about competition.  Who can score first.   How do you take a kata or form and turn it into the prettiest,  flashiest,  smoothest routine?  As a sport, there are rules to follow as far as time, what strike to use, or not to use.  Don't miss understand me, sport karate is certainly a popular choice today.  Are you aware that you may be training for the purpose of a sport and not necessarily combat?  There is a big difference between sport and combat karate and it could make a tremendous difference in a real life situation, should you need to use your skill.

There truly is a science to karate.  There seems to be a dieing breed of people who still take an interest in the science of karate.  What exactly is the science behind karate?  Karate as a science has to do with biomechanics (how the body moves). Moving your body in ways to perform things that are not necessarily natural.  It takes a lot of discipline to produce the principles of physics it takes to have an effective technique, especially in a combative manner.  The physics of karate just to name a few are:  velocities, masses, momentum, torque and timing.  Body mechanics are understanding the anatomy and muscles and how to use them.  

Learning the difference of the Art, Sport and Science of Karate is very important in my opinion.  There are similarities in all three categories.  The Art being traditional, the Sport being competitive and the Science having a purpose to the actual technique are all important and relative to the world of "Karate".  The mind directs the body dynamics, therefore the mind is the strongest force.  All Karateka must study and do their research and find what is best for them.  Discover the things about body movement and more importantly about yourself, to develop emotional control, character, stability both mentally and physically.  We are responsible for our own development and growth.  What's your choice?

Thank you, 

Stacey Fiore, Senpai

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Domestic Violence - DON'T BACK DOWN

Hello Martial Arts World!

I’ve been doing some research on domestic violence recently and I have to tell you, the stats really anger me.  I mean I understand that anyone can potentially become a victim of some sort of violent act.  My question is, what are you doing to prevent it?  What measures are you taking in your life to protect yourself?  Nothing is guaranteed, but there are various options out there that can give you an advantage to NOT become a victim.
As a female martial artists I often find myself seeking ways to assist other women to protect themselves with little to no training.  In reality I would love to see women join and study some form of protection.  If martial arts isn’t for them, fine.  However, seek a program or classes through out the year where you can get some sort of education on a somewhat consistent basis.
Women spend so much time and money doing various things for themselves.  Manicures, pedicures, tanning, Zumba class, shopping….  these things are all great, but will any of these luxuries help us in that time of need?  NO.  Oh and to say, that won’t happen to me, or I am always careful, I trust the people I hang around – NO.  Statistic say that most violent acts comes from someone close to you.  Yep – look it up.
All I am saying is find something to educate yourself.  Find a place or a person where you can continuously educate yourself.  A place you can go to practice at least once a month.  Don’t be a victim!

Stacey Fiore, Senpai