Saturday, February 14, 2015

Domestic Violence - DON'T BACK DOWN

Hello Martial Arts World!

I’ve been doing some research on domestic violence recently and I have to tell you, the stats really anger me.  I mean I understand that anyone can potentially become a victim of some sort of violent act.  My question is, what are you doing to prevent it?  What measures are you taking in your life to protect yourself?  Nothing is guaranteed, but there are various options out there that can give you an advantage to NOT become a victim.
As a female martial artists I often find myself seeking ways to assist other women to protect themselves with little to no training.  In reality I would love to see women join and study some form of protection.  If martial arts isn’t for them, fine.  However, seek a program or classes through out the year where you can get some sort of education on a somewhat consistent basis.
Women spend so much time and money doing various things for themselves.  Manicures, pedicures, tanning, Zumba class, shopping….  these things are all great, but will any of these luxuries help us in that time of need?  NO.  Oh and to say, that won’t happen to me, or I am always careful, I trust the people I hang around – NO.  Statistic say that most violent acts comes from someone close to you.  Yep – look it up.
All I am saying is find something to educate yourself.  Find a place or a person where you can continuously educate yourself.  A place you can go to practice at least once a month.  Don’t be a victim!

Stacey Fiore, Senpai